By Akhila G., M.S., R. D. Chief dietician, NephroPlus
To be happy is what is longed by everyone, whether on dialysis or not on dialysis. Once I read from a book that for any one, their thoughts form their world! “What you focus in your life grows and what you think about expands and what you dwell on, determines your destiny.” Remember these principles and guide your steps to happiness. When your thoughts wander around word “ESRD”, just be aware what you are thinking first. Remind yourself that you need to move away from negative thoughts. Stop thinking about your end! To stop negative thinking, feed the brain with positive. You do not need to stop doing things which you were doing unless your doctor asked you to stop. Think of those things which you want to do and make a list. Plan the ways you would like to accomplish those things if you do not find much time. May be you can do just one thing a month. Doing something which you wanted to do will give you tremendous satisfaction and in turn will improve your quality of life!
Just to name few, you can go meet your grand daughter and take her out for a treat or buy her something you never gave her.
Cook for family once a month
Read a book for kids at home once a week
Keep in touch with your friends who make you feel good. Do not multiply your dialysis issues by talking most of the time with them. You may share a little and spend good time. Share more with those who understand and can help you.
Indulge in a sport, hobby or teach a skill you know to your helper
Have some agenda!
Problems are always there and will be there, but do not neglect your own happiness. Without happiness of self, you cannot give any one anything.
What you have, you can give it to others. If you are unhappy, you will spread unhappiness around. If you are happy, happiness will prevail for everyone around.