Smoking and renal Health: Things you must know 

Everyone knows smoking is injurious to health; however, many fall prey to this habit and end up compromising their health. Though every pack of cigarettes comes with a warning, not all understand what it truly indicates. 

While some individuals smoke due to stress, some end up lighting a cigarette while socialising out of habit. There is no particular reason or cause for smoking once it becomes a habit or addiction. Hence, many say one can prevent smoking only before lighting the first cigarette. 

However, with the right mindset, one can learn and unlearn anything. Similarly, one can get rid of the habit of smoking as well. 

  • Most of us have heard of the adverse effects of smoking on one’s lungs and heart, but how is it related to their kidneys? 
  • Smoking affects the medicines prescribed by your medical professional. 
  • It damages one’s blood vessels. 
  • It makes the person more prone to cancer. 
  • It also increases the risk of blood pressure and heart attack. 
  • Smoking slows down the blood flow through one’s body and hinders renal function as it exhausts the organs. 
  • It also makes it difficult to heal infections making the throat sore. 

Passive smoking also affects one’s health adversely. If anyone from your family or close circle smokes, the smoke coming from cigarettes not only impacts their health but also the one’s around them.

How can one quit smoking? 

Smoking is dangerous for everyone and it can impact renal health as well. However, a lot of smokers find it challenging when it comes to quitting the habit.

What can be done? 

  • Seek psychological help. 
  • Attend programs that will help you unlearn the habit. 
  • Your doctor can help you to quit. 
  • Lifestyle change can help as well. 
  • You must discuss everything with your doctor and understand how you can make these changes. 
  • Determine why you want to stop smoking, and what triggers you to smoke. 
  • Avoid blaming yourself and criticizing yourself for facing challenges.  

You can also look for support groups and talk to others to understand their challenges and their approach to getting rid of the habit. Setting milestones and celebrating them can help you form positive reinforcement around quitting the habit. 

Here’s how quitting the habit can help you, 

  • It improves the quality of life. 
  • Reduces the risk of premature death. 
  • Helps control the progression of CKD. 
  • Reduces the risk of developing cancer. 
  • Helps in improving the health of those around you. 

To maintain or avoid CKD, one must quit smoking. Also, these changes need to be made before someone’s life is altered permanently. If you want to know more about CKD or dialysis click here to connect with our team.