Interesting facts about kidneys you must know!

Kidneys are responsible for various functions throughout the body. They’re a vital part and work towards maintaining our health. However, how much do we know about kidneys, and how can we keep them healthy for longer? 

  • You only need one kidney to live. 

While most of us have two kidneys, a person needs only one kidney to survive to lead a healthy life. Whether you have one kidney or one functional kidney, you will have to follow precautions to ensure good renal health. 

Here are a few reasons why one might have only one kidney: 

  • Having born with one kidney 
  • Losing one kidney due to injury or illness
  • Being a donor to someone 
  • Having only one functional kidney despite having two 
  • Kidneys receive 20% of blood pumped out of the heart every minute. The Kidney receives the highest amount of blood supply per gram of tissue, more than any other organ in the body
  • It receives 1 liter of blood per minute i.e 1440 liters in a day and produces 1.5 liter of urine in a day
  • The function of the kidney is “sum function” of it’s smallest unit – The Nephron which is made of “ball of blood vessels” that filter blood (the glomerulus) and set of convoluted tubes (tubules)
  • Kidneys are the  “master chemist” in the body.  It plays a very important role in ensuring blood salts (sodium and potassium), body water content, minerals (Calcium and phosphorus) and blood acidity are regulated and maintained precisely within a narrow range
  • The above function is essential for all cells in the body to function normally 
  • The kidneys play a vital role in producing a hormone called Erythropoietin which helps the bones produce blood. Hence when kidneys function less than normal, the patient could become anemic. Vice versa, kidney disease is an uncommon but an important cause of anemia
  • The kidneys also play a key role in “activating” Vitamin D (it is a Vitamin and a hormone in the human body). The  interaction of “the active Vitamin D” with parathyroid regulates the level of Calcium and Phosphorus in the blood. These minerals play a critical role in maintaining bone health. 
  • You need to hydrate your kidneys. 

It is a known fact, one needs to keep the body hydrated to have healthy kidneys. Many believe that having 8 cups of water a day is sufficient. However, the amount of water you require in a day depends on your weight and height. Someone with a high level of physical activity will need more water than someone with light physical activity. 

  • Smoking can harm your kidneys.  

Smoking is injurious to health and many are aware of it. Many believe that smoking affects their lungs and heart; however, the deadly habit is equally advertising on one’s kidneys. Smokers are at a higher risk for kidney cancer than non-smokers. 

  • A healthy diet and exercise can maintain the health of your kidneys. 

A balanced and healthy diet can keep your kidneys healthy for a longer period of time. It can also prevent you from having kidney stones. Regular exercise and a balanced diet will help everyone to have a healthy life. If you face any discomfort or pain, consult a doctor immediately. 

Renal health once deteriorated cannot be restored to normal. Hence, you need to take care of yourself. Maintain a healthy diet, exercise, and keep an eye on your blood and urine reports. If you have any queries, discuss them with your doctors.