How to Prevent Prediabetes?

It’s important to take one step at a time as you work towards preventing prediabetes, and reading this blog could be your first step!

While we’ve been conditioned into believing that diabetes is an older-person disease, in reality, diabetes doesn’t consider age as a criterion at all. You could almost call it a life partner that doesn’t discriminate on any parameters, be it age, gender, race, caste.

If you’re diagnosed with prediabetes or worried about your vulnerability to it, consider this your sign to take action for better health. Most people develop Type 2 diabetes within ten years of getting diagnosed with prediabetes. And most people with prediabetes don’t even know they have it. Though it is a lifelong illness and one cannot reverse diabetes, prediabetes is very much reversible. If diagnosed in time, it is possible to improve it 

Here are a few steps you can take to reverse prediabetes: 

Switch to a clean and healthy dietIncrease your water intake
Shed body weight as per your doctor’s suggestionQuit smoking
Include any activity or exercise for 30 minutes daily

You can fight prediabetes at home and quite well! Let’s have a look at how in detail.

Dietary Changes to Beat Prediabetes

Making changes in your diet is an excellent way to gain control over your blood sugar levels. These will be the foremost changes suggested by your doctor.

  • Cut out added sugar.

Isn’t this obvious? In prediabetes or in pursuit of preventing it, it is important to keep your blood sugar levels within the normal range. Hence, cut out added sugar. 

Avoid candy, desserts, honey, jams, sweetened beverages, alcohol, juices, etc. and replace them with healthier and safer alternatives like jaggery.

  • Swap your snacks with healthier options. 

Include healthy options for snacking in your diet and avoid chips, maida, white rice, etc. Cut down on deep-fried foods and select shallow-fried options for the same. Include wheat and multigrain in your diet. 

  • Include healthy proteins 

Add fish, eggs, greek yoghurt, nuts, seeds, and sprouts to your diet and have a balanced meal. If you have any cardiovascular disease, avoid meat. Don’t forget to include the goodness of greens in your diet. 

  • Enjoy fruits moderately

Fruits are an excellent way to swap your favorite sweets. Instead of indulging in sweets with added sugars and desserts with preservatives, include fruit in your diet. Don’t overindulge but do enjoy any seasonal fruits. 

  • Have meals timely 

Ensure to follow a fixed time for your meals. Don’t skip meals and enjoy food in moderation. Even if you’re asked to gain weight, don’t overeat. Decide when you will have breakfast, lunch and dinner, and accordingly, choose a time for healthy snacking.

Exercise to Beat Prediabetes

Only dietary changes are not enough. It is important to exercise regularly and keep your body active. Any doctor will advise you to include some or the other activity in your routine. Do you like the gym? Go ahead! Hate it? No problem! 

You can choose Zumba, classical dance, running, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, yoga or any other activity that you like! 

Choose something that you will enjoy. 

Taking Care of your Mental Health to Beat Prediabetes 

Prediabetes can affect your mental health. We understand that the news isn’t pleasant. However, you must focus on what is in your control, which is your ability to reverse the condition and prevent the disease entirely. You might feel sadness or experience anxiety over your health. Is it important to deal with these feelings? Absolutely. Is there a way? Yes.

  • You can start by accepting that this might be life-changing but not life-threatening. By adopting a healthier lifestyle, you can reverse the condition. Follow medical guidelines and ensure to have a realistic and optimistic attitude towards the situation. 
  • Ensure to complete your daily required amount of sleep and rest well. 
  • Seek reliable sources of information like professional medical societies and patient support groups. Check our blog to understand how diabetes and kidney diseases are related and what you can do to avoid them.
  • Enjoy your exercise. Engage yourself in new activities. Embrace your new routine. Choose an activity or exercise that’s fun for you.

Accept a lifestyle that will help you lifelong. Don’t avoid your health, and seek medical advice wherever necessary. 

This World Diabetes Day, put your health first.