Often we consider food as fuel for our bodies. However, it is much more than that. It creates building blocks for our cells and overall well-being. Food can and does affect one’s health. When someone is diagnosed with CKD, they need to evaluate their diet first. Discuss your diet with a nephrologist and dietician to… Continue reading Things to include in your diet as a CKD patient!
Category: Uncategorized
– Dr. Apeksha Ekbote Ph.D, RD, CDE Chief Dietician, NephroPlus Sodium is an essential nutrient necessary for maintenance of plasma volume, acid-base balance, transmission of nerve impulses and normal cell function. Excess sodium is linked to adverse health outcomes, including increased blood pressure. However, in later stages of kidney failure, kidneys cannot get rid of… Continue reading LOW SODIUM DIET TIPS
Interesting facts about kidneys you must know!
Kidneys are responsible for various functions throughout the body. They’re a vital part and work towards maintaining our health. However, how much do we know about kidneys, and how can we keep them healthy for longer? While most of us have two kidneys, a person needs only one kidney to survive to lead a healthy… Continue reading Interesting facts about kidneys you must know!
Things you must know about being a living kidney donor!
Kidney donation can save someone and improve their quality of life. Kidney donation can be from deceased or live donors. Live related kidney donation is the commonest organ donation from live individuals in India and globally.
RICE – YES or NO for Dialysis?
Dr. Apeksha Ekbote Ph.D,RD,CDE Chief Dietician, NephroPlus One of the most common questions that patients ask me is “Can I consume rice? Will it increase my fluid weight gain?” Before answering this, let me share a few things about rice. Rice is generally a great choice for kidney patients as in 100gms one would find… Continue reading RICE – YES or NO for Dialysis?
Things you must know about organ donation!
In India, lakhs of patients are in dire need of an organ transplant. However, less than a thousand transplants from deceased persons are performed each year. Many have several misconceptions about organ donation that discourage them from the noble deed. Each organ donor has the potential to save seven to eight lives while improving several… Continue reading Things you must know about organ donation!
Best beverages for healthy kidneys!
Kidneys need fluids to function well. When your kidneys are hydrated, you will have enough liquid to generate urine and discard the waste from your body. These fluids also help in better blood circulation. Severe dehydration causes damage to kidneys. It can lead to several kidney diseases. Patients on dialysis are asked to restrict their… Continue reading Best beverages for healthy kidneys!
-Dr. Apeksha Ekbote Ph.D,RD,CDE Chief Dietician, NephroPlus Its holiday season of the year yet again and Christmas being a festival of joy, togetherness and of course cakes and drinks, kidney patients have to be cautious of their diet in order to maintain their biochemical parameters normal and lead a normal life on Dialysis. Here are… Continue reading TIS THE SEASON!
What To Do In Case of Fistula Bleed?
A fistula is a lifeline for all dialysis patients. We must do everything we can to protect it. Very rarely, an incident occurs when a paint from the fistula area starts to bleed rapidly. Blood can gush out at a high rate and if nothing is done, the patient can lose their life. Fortunately, there is something… Continue reading What To Do In Case of Fistula Bleed?
How to Prevent Prediabetes?
It’s important to take one step at a time as you work towards preventing prediabetes, and reading this blog could be your first step! While we’ve been conditioned into believing that diabetes is an older-person disease, in reality, diabetes doesn’t consider age as a criterion at all. You could almost call it a life partner… Continue reading How to Prevent Prediabetes?