Balanced Diet & Renal Health

People often confuse a balanced diet with a weight-loss process. However, being in a healthy food regime is not about losing a few extra kgs. Rather, it helps to maintain our overall health and lifestyle – this is because whatever we eat affects the health of our organs. Therefore, regarding renal health, we should not compromise our food regime. You can control kidney disease and prevent kidney damage with a renal-friendly diet. It is achievable by keeping specific minerals from accumulating in your body, which is crucial since your kidneys are less effective at removing waste from your body.

Here are a few crucial factors while choosing a balanced diet –

  • Limit your sodium:

Sodium may be found in unexpected areas, especially in packaged meals. Reducing your salt consumption helps you maintain healthy blood pressure levels. However, excessive salt can cause dehydration and cause your body to retain water, which can cause swelling and increased blood pressure. As a result, your heart may have to work harder, and your kidneys may suffer more damage.

  • Be mindful of sugar:

Excessive sugar intake increases the likelihood of CKD, including diabetes, obesity, and elevated blood uric acid levels. Diabetes can harm the kidneys. When diabetes is not managed correctly, the blood sugar rises, which can damage numerous organs, including the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, eyes, feet, and nerves. Excess sugar intake also causes a fluid build up in the body. 

  • Notice your protein intake:

Protein is a nutrient that helps your body grow and provides you with energy. However, having excessive protein harms your kidneys more by making them work harder – this happens because your kidneys filter waste materials produced when your body breaks down proteins. Therefore you should change your protein consumption to maintain your health.

However, the protein requirement varies with the stage of CKD, and if you are on dialysis, one would need a high protein diet whereas a patient not on dialysis would need a low protein diet. 

  • Eating the right amount:

Consuming excessive amounts of anything, including nutritious meals, may be harmful. Meal management, or paying attention to how much you eat, is the second component of a healthy diet plan. A dietician would emphasize a  kidney-friendly eating plan with proper portion management since people might need to restrict how much of some foods and beverages they consume.

  • Choose healthy substitutes:

Many people experience difficulties while considering dietary adjustments. However, minor nutritional substitutions, such as fewer calories, lower cholesterol, and more stable blood sugar levels, may have big rewards. These adjustments reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other disorders while also helping you lose weight.

  • Talk to your dietician:

Making changes to your diet can be challenging. If you’re struggling to stick to a healthy diet, an expert dietitian can help you develop a meal plan tailored to your individual needs. Being open about your food habits and choice of foods would help your dietician evaluate your needs according to your health.

A balanced diet is not only choosing the right food; it is also crucial; to select the right amount. A dietitian helps us to understand our body’s requirements. In order to avoid or manage CKD, one of the most crucial things you can do is to maintain a balanced diet with renal-friendly foods. The expert dieticians of NephroPlus have some excellent renal-friendly diet tips and recipes; click here to enjoy tasty dishes guilt-free.